showing 29 posts for "Birthday"
September 18, 2013
Good day/evening/morning, friends! Another Bu-Blog entry for ya! Getting in an entry before the end of the day because it's my birthday! This (as evident by the title) is my fourth birthday entry since starting this blog. Gotta keep my traditions! So for my birthday today, I have a few gems from some good friends today. Let's get to it! First is a new doodle from Talegas! Talegas gives me exactly what I wished for. Bu being super buff and enjoying his cake and some sparklers. x3 I really just enjoy the pressure it looks like the cake is being…
March 19, 2013
Hello again, my friends! I return with a brand new set of Bu pics for your viewing pleasure. I've been fortunate enough to get a handful of new things, so now I can throw them your way. ;3 I am also gonna throw in a classic image's sketch, for the heck of it. And so spring hits this week, things will start warming up! I gotta get this blog warmed up too! We'll see what we can do for today, eh? We start now with a brand-new commission. My first one with the talented artist Guppo! This is definitely one…
October 11, 2012
Hello, friends! Long time, no see. I haven't had the chance to do a blog entry since my birthday three weeks ago. I have a few birthday things to post! It's super-belated, but whatever? XD I still have one or two birthday-related things to post, so I guess October will be my extended-Bu-birthday! lol No complaints right here. Oh and yeah, I wanted to make note that today is 10/11/12 (depending on your time zone as of this posting, anyways) and that is how Bu learned to count! XD Let's take it back to the beginning, shall we? Tuesday morning,…
March 4, 2012
Oh my goodness, guys, hello again! I bring to you another Bu Blog entry with a bunch of brand new pics! This time, however... Bu isn't truly the center of attention. That comes off as a bit weird for him, but he rolls with it just this time... I think? Yep, the focus is Neekko's good ol' OC and friend of Bu, Narugi! I wanted to make this entry yesterday last week on February 29th, because one: it's a day that only comes but once every four years (guess I'll try again in 2016?) and two: it was Nar's birthday!…
November 14, 2011
Hellohellohello, I say to you all! Big day for the ol' Bu-Blog! If the title didn't give it away, I will just point it out. That's right, today marks two big years to the mark that this blog has started! I don't have anything major and exciting like I did last year with a layout overhaul, but I do have some new Bu arts that are sure to be entertaining for anybody who enjoys rock-solid Bu art!! Let's go ahead and get started on that then shall we? We begin with my commission from MJEsperandieu! As I stated in September…
October 27, 2011
Hello and howdy there, folks! :3 It's been a few weeks once again since I last wrote up a blog entry, so I feel it only right to throw up something new! Been so busy with work and all that, but now I'm making time for my lovely viewership. <3 Thanks to you guys for continuing to check in, if you actually are that is... lol ^3^ I've gotten a few new things, which is good! SO now is a great time to start showing some of them off, eh? First I wanna wrap up the last of my birthday…
September 18, 2011
Hellohello, my dear friends! <3 Welcome again to the Bu Blog. Okay, it's now been a full year now, time for another Bu birthday blog entry. X3 Last year I wrote this blog entry all the way out in Hawaii. But now I am downplaying my birthday by just sittin' in my own home, chilling by the TV and the compooter. lol Now that I am turning 24, it's time for me to continue complaining about how I'm getting super old when I'm actually still quite young and active. XD It's been a nice, fun day overall, though! I did…
May 22, 2011
Okay late blog entry this week! Whoo. I'm sorry. :C Since that stupid end of the world thing didn't pan out (like anyone thought it would??) I think I best post a new entry now! As I reach the lowest depths of corny blog titles, I also start to run dry on Bu pics. I have a lot of doubles and alternate images still in my collection, but nothing mind blowing. I do have a brand new one as well as a classic that I am shocked I haven't posted yet! So the fun doesn't stop! I'll always try to…
April 28, 2011
Hello, my lovely blog watchers! We return to our usual/ordinary Thursday programming of Bu art now! I am pretty much done with the transition from one home to the other so I am now getting my free time back. XD I realized it's been almost an ENTIRE year since I posted an MTCopyright exclusive post of our commission packages, so I think now is a better time than ever to bring her back to the fun and games with some excellent old and new pics! Let's get started shall we? Well this sure is fun! :D This was my main…
March 3, 2011
Well, hello there! Glad to see you checking out the newest edition to the Bu-Blog. It's a new month once again. I only had one entry posted in February, but March is sure to be a very full month with plenty of new and exciting images! I hope you'll take the time to enjoy! :3 Oh and yes, more awful entry titles once again! I need to always find a way to put Bu's name in them all though. First off this week, we have a new image from the very talented Hydaria! This beaut was done very quickly! Hydaria…