Hello, my lovely blog watchers! We return to our usual/ordinary Thursday programming of Bu art now! I am pretty much done with the transition from one home to the other so I am now getting my free time back. XD I realized it’s been almost an ENTIRE year since I posted an MTCopyright exclusive post of our commission packages, so I think now is a better time than ever to bring her back to the fun and games with some excellent old and new pics!

Let’s get started shall we?

Image created by MTCopyright

Well this sure is fun! :D This was my main image of the commissions I got from MT all the way back in 2009. I am actually surprised that it’s been that long since I had another commission set. This time around we went with a modern punk-rocker look. I tried to continue the theme of the main image being a very non-conventional Bu image and this one does not disappoint! He’s totally rocking out while also demanding some sex appeal (I think that was MT just bending Bu to her desires! lol) So the pose is really awesome and different than other Bu pics, and you might notice he has a twinge of green hair dye. I usually find Bu to be a no-shoes kinda dude… I have to admit though that he makes those boots look good! lol This whole thing was very interesting and fun! MT adjusted it to look like a Rolling Stone cover image. You can see it like that posted HERE and HERE! Check it out! Grey-scale version HERE!

Normally what comes next is the inevitable Y! exclusive image, however it seems we didn’t do one with this package! But later in 2009, we did an “on the spot” quick commission. Here that is instead!

Image created by MTCopyright

Here we have a very quick nudey Bu commission from late ’09 and there isn’t much to a story here, simply Bu enticing someone to come forth and… well the rest is up to you. XD MT was torn between the finger motioning to someone or the tail. I imagine the tail would be hilarious and fun, but the finger is a classic and easy to understand idea so I think it pulls itself off as well! ^^ I love how well the hair turned out in this pic as it’s very close to how his hair should look! It is less dark and gritty as the previous image above, but it’s still got some wonderful shading! Good job on this one, MT! <3 You can see it posted HERE! Not a Y! exclusive anymore now is it? lol

Because that 4th package wasn’t as big as past ones, I shall also show you my most recent set! Package number 5. :D

Image created by MTCopyright

Bu says “ALOHA!” to you as he enjoys his vacation in solitude. XD I had asked for this in February or so, when we had lots of snow! So I thought a beachy Bu pic would really hit the spot. It worked out! lol He looks like he’s enjoying his summer. It gets closer to summer now for us, so maybe it all works out in some cosmic way that it’s posted now. I blame the vacation for Bu not having his usual clothes. In return we have a loud, but totally wearable tropical shirt and tan pants! Also normally Bu only exists in the night, though as always there is some room for throwing out canon law! :D Anyways, enjoy this beauty and you can catch it posted by MT HERE as always! <3

And now we have the other image of this set, and one of my personal favorites! lol

Image created by MTCopyright

UHOH, it’s somebody’s birthday?? :D Happy ______ say’s Bu! He brought you a cake and and a gift on top. No unwrapping needed. If this was Nar’s cake… I am sure he’d be very upset right not though. So yeah this is totally a favorite of mine from MT. The muscles look great, it’s not too explicit, with it’s censored nudity, and his face is hilarious. So is the situation, actually. The cream around the cake actually kinda look like his hair, which is one of the things that amused me the most, as did the great effect of his tail coming out of the cake. Oh and of course insert Bu-Cake-ee joke here. XD I hope you enjoy this hilarious and fun piece as much as I do! Of course, it’s also posted HERE and HERE!

That’s all I have right now, and it’s some of the last complete MT images I have at the moment. Thanks a billion for so many fun new pics, M! <3 You draw Bu well! >:3 We must do more soon.

So I hope you had fun here today, and enjoy your weekend. Hopefully I’ll see ya here next week. Same Bu place, same Bu time! Thanks for stopping by! ^3^