Well, hello there! Glad to see you checking out the newest edition to the Bu-Blog. It’s a new month once again. I only had one entry posted in February, but March is sure to be a very full month with plenty of new and exciting images! I hope you’ll take the time to enjoy! :3 Oh and yes, more awful entry titles once again! I need to always find a way to put Bu’s name in them all though.

First off this week, we have a new image from the very talented Hydaria!

Image created by Hydaria

This beaut was done very quickly! Hydaria is a very fast and friendly artist, that’s for sure. I wanted to work with him previously but unfortunately Hy opened during late last year when I was taking a hiatus from new commissions. D: Lucky for me, slots were opened only a few weeks ago, and the results are now for all to see! The abs are really well done on this! Bu is actually not being a total goofyass today while posing for this erotic photograph. His face is very soft and the colors are quite well blended! I enjoy how it all comes together. This is considered the final version, however we did try dabbling in a background that just didn’t work out.

Image created by Hydaria

I did initially really like this! It’s tropical and different. Hydaria was less than satisfied with the work and didn’t wanna give an unsatisfactory job to a client like myself. ^^ I did get some second opinions and then I was able to see that it does have a bit too much of the same colors and Bu kinda gets lost in it all. THAT and it’s daytime. I like to avoid Bu being in daytime scenes as much as possible, because typically (according to his story) he only roams at night! SO the backgroundless image is the true final image, but I was blessed with both images and now you can see what could have been. :3 I hope Hy doesn’t mind me sporting both images. You can see the official image posted HERE!

One more lil goody for you today. Technically not a Bu image! More of a Bu cameo moment, so I think it’s totally fair to show it off, and I need to do it due to it being date specific! Good stuff from Neekko (as always XD)!

Image created, Narugi and Neelam owned, by Neekko

More nudity! Although it’s just suggestive nudity more than anything. Oh and booty! This image was created by Neekko specifically for Narugi’s birthday (which isn’t this year. XD Technically he was born on February 29th, Leap day!) and as they have been in the past, it’s a literal image of Nar celebrating his big day! Can you spot the Bu? He’s sneaky! I think Bu was planning on stealing some cake but then upon comes a distraction! It’s Nar’s (often not shown lately) wifey, Neelam. Striptease time!! I love the face both Bu and Nar give. Nar more-so, because that face… XD It’s just ridiculous. He seems awestruck. Neek got this image done quickly and yet the quality is quite astounding! I like. :D You can see it posted HERE! So wish Nar a happy belated birthday before… he eats you AND his cake too. lol

That’s all for today, folks! I am glad you came by, thankooo!! I continue to add banners of my buddies and blogs I visit. Don’t hesitate to check the “LINK TO THE BU” page above to the right of here to see my banner and use it if you wanna give Bu support. <3 I thank you a billion times!

Stay tuned next week for more good times! Have a good one! ^3^