Only with less Chevy Chase, and more memberships to the Jelly of the Month Club. You either get that reference or don’t watch enough Christmas CLASSICS!

SO lemme start off by wishing all my friends and blog dwellers a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! This is by far my favorite holiday besides my own birthday. It’s all the emotion and change from the normal time of the year. Lots of lights, presents, and hopefully love. Lets start off with a Bu gift to a select few!

Image created; Narugi owned; by Neekko

Here is Bu and Nar Christmas volume 3! This is my and Neekko‘s third year sending out Christmas cards, and this here is this year’s card! We always get as many addresses as we can to send them out to. If you wanted one, I am sorry! Just remember to keep an eye out next year and you can get a card! Some people even didn’t get the cards yet. That’s sucky postal systems for you. Ruins the surprise. D: Aw well, I gotta post this on Christmas! So Bu and Nar did a gift exchange! I guess Bu had a lot of heart in here, but… yeah Nar doesn’t approve. Yes Narugi smells bad. So maybe it’s a blessing in disguise? But Bu ADORES his lil Bu doll. Can you tell? I adore this picture actually! The Bu doll is the cutest thing I’ve seen. I love the lil abs. Bu’s expression is also so great. XD Neekko rocks with capturing expressions. I did help color this one! I’m quite proud. I hope you all enjoy this one as much as I do. You can also see it HERE and HERE!

Up next, we have another Neekko work! You may remember this if you got our card in the mail this year. :3

Images created; Narugi owned; by Neekko

These two, I also love! More of our pocket friends. They’re tiny and love nibbling on people. But for now, they nibble on Christmas candy! First off, it looks like Bu was caught eating it when he should have been, and Nar looks like he wants to get the whole thing in his mouth. How eager of him! XD These are cute and spontaneous. Neekko just wanted something sweet for our envelopes this year. These two images are the results! Something just to swing into the holiday cheer! Maybe now the envelopes won’t be thrown away? lol Other than on the envelopes, you will only see this pic here on the blog. ENJOY! <3

And lastly we have a Christmas NSFW special by good ol’ Sablechan!

Image created; Diato created; by Sablechan

Oh boy, here we are! Straight-up Bu smut is actually kinda rare these days. Very rarely is he paired up physically with another character. Sable changed that up for a nice lil Christmas special! He rocked out with the muscles and their expressions also kick butt! Diato has an expression I can’t pinpoint. Lol. Somewhere between embarassment to casual happiness. Haha I dunno. It’s enjoyable though. Oh and Bu pits! That’s a rare sight. So much fleshhhh, and multi colored too. When you think about it, it makes it more Christmasy! Don’t neglect to take notice of the living Narugi snowman there in the back. He’s very eeevil looking! Quite the SnowNar. XD Cute cameos! Sable had a ton of nice things to say to me on this one, and I thank him a ton. I only hope I can make it up to him. <3 It’s a really good piccy. Thanks so much. You can see it posted HERE and HERE!

Alrighty folks, Christmas is still in full force over here, so I better get going so I can be with the family on my extended weekend. X3 I hope you all stay well and have a fantastic Christmas or whatever you choose to celebrate! One more post until 2011, hopefully it’ll be a great Bu-filled year. I’ll do a sum-up then. ^^

Again, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Thanks for stopping by! <3