The Bu Birthday Adventures! -Year VII-

September 19, 2016

OH! Hey, guys. :3 Another birthday has come and gone. I think I usually try to get the blog entry written BEFORE the end of my birthday but I was busy so it's a day late. Oh well, at least I can get the written up with minimal delay, I suppose. lol Anyways, yep, here I am another year in the books. It was a really great birthday! I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday. <3 I also want to thank those who were generous enough to draw me some Bu pics to mark the occasion.…

🔞 In Bu We Trust

April 24, 2016

Hey, friends! The weather is warming up around here. Time to also warm up the Bu-blog a bit, eh? Today I have a few NSFW pics to show off. I think the Bu-blog is the only place I regularly exhibit adult-themed Bu pics. As such, I don't get them as often as I used to. It's always just a bit easier to show off the cleaner Bu images on various sites. Not everyone digs this kind of thing so I try to keep it relatively clean. Even on here you'll just see the thumbnail. BE SURE TO CLICK THE THUMBNAIL…