Bu Forgot to Read His Labels!

April 13, 2014

Hello hello hello, friends! I have an exciting new entry to post today specifically involving one old image that I am only now able to post. Back in 2010 I had Neekko make a Bu muscle-growth comic that I wanted for the longest time. I even went so far as to write a story directly based off of the comic. Neekko managed to finish all of it minus the shading. Given the amount of time and energy involved with that, it just never got finished. I held onto it in the hopes that it would or I could get somebody…

🔞 Bu All The Time!

October 27, 2013

Hey friends! Hope you've had a good October. We're coming up to the last week of the month. I haven't had a chance to write anything since my birthday last month. Time sure flies! I've been so busy with my new job. I've had the chance to get new art but also not as much time to do online things like I used to. It's good and bad all at the same time. lol... All the new good games coming out in the past couple months add to my busy schedule. I hope the frenzy tapers off soon. I need…