Salutations, Bu followers! It’s been a couple weeks since I last did the ol’ Bu blog. Its been getting slow, but I am hoping to organize what I still have to post and also hoping to get some new ones posted soon enough! Commissions of Bu are slowing down for the summer due to the usual things in life, but also Anthrocon is but a couple weeks away (I’ll get a few commissions there though! And a blog entry shall come from that. :D) and San Diego Comic Con is about 5 weeks away. So I have a busy, wallet emptying summer ahead of me! lol While I continue to watch E3 coverage, oogling these cool new games I shall someday own, I think I’ll prep some new pics for you guys to enjoy, so here we go! :3

I’m gonna start by showcasing a new little Bu pic made by my buddy Demona (ol’ Dem-Dem!)

Image created by Demona

This is one of the very very few that blurs the line between standard Bu-smut and just typical goof-Bu stuff. The image is part of Dem‘s theme of doing a picture a day. I ordered this beauty because I haven’t had anything from her in a long while now. X3 I left it totally up to her imagination! What route does Dem take? FOOD, of course. Bu is definitely known now for his love of the omnoms. In case you’re wondering, yes it does appear that the pie he is eating REALLY excites him. >3> I gotta admit though, if it was anyone other than Bu, it’d be weird. But because it’s Dragon-Bu, I feel it’s hilarious! I love Dem‘s work with muscle. She continues to get really good. X3 And I also like how he untied his pants and they have a realistic sag now. Because they’re probably gonna fall off, right? lol Typical Bu. This is one I wish could be colored! I dunno. maybe we’ll see? >:3 This will eventually get posted, but what you have here is a blog EXCLUSIVE! It’s posted HERE!

Now we shall dig deep into the Bu sketch collection, eh? HERE!! We have another by my good buddy, MTCopyright. :D I have so many, yes.

sketch created; Jak created; by MTCopyright

This is an older gem, made similar to the previous sketches on MSN, is a really cute idea from MT. She captured our good buddies Bu and Jak. HOW EVIL!!! So it is funny because Jak is flippin’ out but Bu just looks annoyed. How shall they escape this fate? Will Nar rescue them? Likely not… lol who actually would think THAT would happen? Nar probably enjoys the peace and quiet. This is cute, that’s all I gotta say. Thanks for another winner, MT! <3 This is exclusive to the blog, as well! Enjoy. :3

Last but not least, we have a new lotto winner pic from a previous entry artist, Raththomas.

Image created by Raththomas

Here we are! I felt like we needed some color to some of these pictures. Can’t have two weeks of just B&W pics, right? This one is a brand-spanking new image that was earned from a raffle I won with a few other people on Rath‘s page, I believe shortly after Anthrocon last year when I first worked with him. This is great, because I love Bu’s face, the defined abs, and the extreme body… proportions, look great too. lol I actually didn’t expect Rath to be making Dragon-Bu’s dreams come true. LOL That’s quite a bulge, I am surprised that the pants survive it. They must’ve been adjusted to hit his… stuff. I really love the colors and shading too. They really turned out great. I could go on for a long time trying to figure out how Bu is gonna live with the endowment but I’ll just accept it as is and you can come up with something yourself. Haha. Thanks again, Rath! You did good. You can see it posted HERE!

That’s all for this week, folks. I hope you enjoyed what I was able to shove out for ya this time. ^^ We’ll see what happens next week, I am sure I can muscle out something. If not, I might wait until Anthrocon time since I WILL be getting some (hopefully) awesome commissions.

Anyways, as always, thanks for sticking around and reading, oogling, and maybe even commenting. Love yooou. <3