Hello guys!

Sorry about the lack of updates, it’s been such a crazy and busy last few weeks, what with Christmas and everything. D: Do not fear, I shall have a full, normal entry very shortly. ;3 For now, this is a reminder (similar to the ones I posted in journals online in other sites like dA) about my and Neekko‘s Christmas card sign-ups! We do it every year as some may know, and I want to get the word out so as many people can get our card as I can, because it’s FREE and all we need is your address and all that. It’s our little holiday gift to friends and fans. <3 Here is all the official info:


It’s that time o’ year again! (we’re a little behind schedule this year due to personal commitments, but it’s still on!)

Anyone interested in receiving a signed holiday card from Neekko and myself this Christmas? Each card is a printed Christmas-y BuNar-themed artwork by us (size is roughly the same as a postcard), with a little handwritten holiday greeting by the both of us addressed to the recipient.

If you would like a card, send the following information to me, Busiris, in a Note (via any site you and I share membership of, i.e. DeviantART) or e-mail (busiris87@yahoo.com):

Name: (username is fine!)
Address: (please include your country if you don’t live in the United States)
Dedication: (i.e. “To Bob”–let me know who you want the card to be signed to; can be your real name, username, etc.!)

Please double-triple-quadruple-check your address! In previous years we had a few cards bounce because you guys spelled your addresses wrong! ALSO: Please format your address as it should appear on the envelope, as sometimes address formats outside of the U.S. are different to me!

Kids! If your parents are the paranoid type, please ask permission or let them know that you are going to receive a card from us before signing up so they don’t freak out over you receiving mail from strangers. ^^;

Sign-up closes Wednesday, Dec. 16 @ 5:00pm EST/GMT -5.
We won’t be printing out the cards until we get an exact number of participants! Cards will be sent out the day after and, depending on where you live, it will take a few days to a week or so to arrive.

If you have any questions, include them in the Note/e-mail or post them below.

PS: If anyone wants to send us a card back, just ask in your Note/e-mail as well so I may provide you with the info. We have a new home address, so if you already have our address, it’s old and needs updated!! Again, just give us a hollar! ;)


For anyone that is just now hearing about this, I am sorry for taking so long to post the info on my blog. D: Again, so super busy! Lemme hear from anyone interested in getting our card. I love doing this and it’s no hassle on your end, of course!

Anyways, stay tuned next week for regular Bu programming, hopefully. XD Thanks for checking in, as always, guys. <3