Hello and howdy-doody to you folks! It’s just about the end of September (one of my favorite months) and beginning of October (one of my least favorite!) which means it’s getting cold out. Why don’t you stay in and check out what Dragon-Bu is up to right now? :D Let’s get right to it, dudes!

HEY GUYS… according to the Twitter-spheres it is National Coffee day. I didn’t get any coffee, actually. Oh but I think Bu did, courtesy of Astrozerk04!

Image created by Astrozerk04

I highly recommend that you click on the thumbnail before reading on, of course. XD This is pure coincidence that I have a coffee-related image on this entry, but I thought I’d roll with it. lol But I really really love this image. It shows the same kind of goofball Bu in many images, including the image I got from Astrozerk last year! This was inspired by a goofy little sketch I got with a Starbucks gift card from my loving little Neekko. <3 Astrozerk did an awesome job with the pose and even moreso… the face! I don’t know why he is balancing an OVERLY LARGE nonexistent-size frozen coffee on his head… but whatever! He likes Pumpkin spice. :3 Though I suspect he’s cheating. The wings and tail give him an adjusted center of gravity that probably makes it a lot easier. Loving the shading. Glad Astrozerk enjoyed shading this baby. :3 You can see this posted on her commission dA account right HERE!

Lets take a look at the pretty sketches for this commission!

Sketches created by Astrozerk04

Just two simple sketches, mostly upper-body adjustments. It was tough, but I can never say no to the struggling left image. XD This was also before it became frozen coffee. The hot coffee sounds dangerous!! :0 I’m more of a frozen coffee kinda guy anyways. Even during winter, yes. Hope you enjoy this little bonus! :D Thanks Astrozerk! <3

And finally we have a fun and cute Bu sketch from one of my favs, Zombiesmile!

Sketch created by Zombiesmile

I am happy about this sketch also! I don’t believe I have ever gotten anything from Zombiesmile that I have ever even slightly disliked. They’re always so good. XD Even better than I mentally visualize. This is a simple concept… pocket-sized Bu attacking a wild pigeon! This isn’t the first time Bu has shown some anti-bird sentiment, but it might be the cutest? XD I don’t know why he attacks birds. Maybe he just wants to be the only winged creature in the nearby area where he lives. It’s either that or he wants to deep fry the bird. LOL So for now this is a blog exclusive, not sure if Zombiesmile is gonna post it or not. But a million thanks to her for the awesome arts! <3

And with that we put September to a close. I hope you enjoyed your summer and welcome in the fall and cooler weather. ;3 Tune in soon for some more new stuff! I have a couple nice things I am prepared to show, thankfully! Stick around! Thanks for checking out the stuff. <3