Oh mai! This is one of my few blog entry titles that isn’t a lame-freaking corny title referencing something else. lol I mostly did so because I have a specific theme going on with today’s entry. This past week I had a few ideas that I enjoyed and I felt it a good idea to commission a few of my favorite people to execute on these ideas. The theme? 3DS! Yes it’s been nearly a week since it came out and I thought to commemorate that, I could get some funny Bu comics.

My personal review for the 3DS will be reserved for at the end of the entry. Lets just start with some art! First is a new image from my pal, MTCopyright! <3

Image created by MTCopyright; 3DS (c) Nintendo

The total organization of the comic structure made for a perfect thumbnail. LOL XD As you can tell before clicking the thumb, Dragon-Bu is less than impressed with the power of the 3DS. Here he is, as made by MT, playing Super Street Fighter IV 3D. He is a big fan of the series but this one isn’t winning him over. OH how does he learn that the 3D is better than he thought. XD; I am guessing it’s Ryu? I adore how MT drew little chibi-style Bu here. The middle (thumbnail) panel is officially coined as “Skeptical Bu Face” which is awesome, right? And are you wondering why he has a red 3DS when all they have now is black or blue? Because he is special, that’s why. :D So I am happy I thought of this, and doubly happy for having MT make it, and also for her roomie, Kuri helping with the speech bubbles. Thanks, guys! <3 It has been posted HERE! It’s been awhile, but more stuff from MT coming in the future, keep an eye out!

Up next, I had one more comic idea, this time created by my good buddy, Sablechan! :3

Image created by Sablechan; 3DS (c) Nintendo

Haha, this thumbnail is a little less mysterious, I guess. But still very funny. Now Bu (I guess in an alternate timeline from the pic before this one) gets Pilotwings Resort for his new red 3DS! Again he is unimpressed with the 3D levels on the machine. Little does he know how powerful it can beeeeeee!!!!!I love the starfish there! Haha. Hey, he wanted a tropical getaway, he got one! I think besides Bu’s expressions and the wonderful colors, I love how Sable added Bu as the in-game character. So clever and adorable. X3 I am very happy with how this turned out. I managed to find good concepts with the same punchline for two games. I could probably do this with a BUNCH more if I wanted to. lol But maybe I shouldn’t. Beating a dead horse and all. Thanks a bunch, Sable! <3 You can see it posted on his blog HERE!

And now, to finish off the entry today, lets get more Sablechan goodies!!

Sketch created by Sablechan

This is the third of four sketches that Sable made that day on livestream which never saw a finished product. Though I do believe it was the first image. He has pants on! That’s… very rare of him. XD I love the pose and his expression too, it’s very lovely and too bad it’ll never see anything beyond this, but I hope you can enjoy what was done simply as is. :3 Dig those wings, baby! Thanks for the sketches, Sablechan! *hughug*

Now I think I have been exposed to the 3DS enough now to be able to give an informed opinion on the system. It’s….. good! I like it. Now the 3D actually works, but it has limited visual range. Not much tilting left and right before it starts to mess up the effect. The 3D is something that will take getting used to and may hurt your eyes at first, but after prolonged exposure to full 3D, I’m used to the effect. Give it time! But the best addition for me is the analog stick! It’s a very helpful addition. The internal things, like Mii creation and AR games also rock. The web browser and online shop are not available until May, which blows. The ability to take and view 3D photos is really exciting as well. I think the worst parts are the battery life (weakest with wireless AND 3D on, it’ll die within 3-4 hours), the crappy launch lineup (more good stuff coming soon!) and the price ($250, pricey compared to previous DS and Gameboy launches). I do like it. If you have the DSi, you might be able to live without it for awhile, but it has exclusive games and I only had a non-lite DS from 2004 before now, so the upgrade was warranted. I suggest trying it out and making your own choice, but I do recommend, especially if you like 3D and future titles.

Whoo! Talky talky I am tonight. I’ll cut my review there, and I’ll say goodnight for now. Expect more awesomeness next week and beyond! I hope you all enjoy the weekend. For now I am gonna relax and play my 3DS. LOL Ah me…. Anyways, thanks for checking the blog out! <3 See you soon, take care. ^3^