G’Day folks! The Bu blog returns for another near-weekend release of Bu goodies for you, one horrible title/pun at at time! And now the summer season is pretty much over. Labor day often signals the end, and the season itself officially switches to Autumn in only another couple weeks, so lets cool down with some both fresh and older Bu images!

I want to start with an older image made by one of my longest online friendships. Kick it up!

Sketch created by Rafleshia

This classic Bu was made by my friend, Rafleshia. She and I have known each other online since about 2004, and we’ve tried to maintain regular contact ever since. This image is from early 2008 and I was always glad to have it. Bu has a somewhat evil look to him! Raffy has always been an artist who drew either very creepy or beautiful or creepybeautiful images. I think this applies to the third one there. She makes Bu look very jagged and rough, mostly in the wings there. They are almost rocky. :3 I really love that tail. This image doesn’t exist anywhere else anymore! Raffy‘s dA page looks nearly barren but there are still gems in there! Including this pic, HERE! <3

AND NOW… for something overwhelmingly cute.

Sketch created by Neekko

It’s Bu-corn! It’s Bu and popcorn to be precise. XD This is a new lil goodie made by none-other than Neekko! Just a quick lil image made for me, and the spark behind it I have totally forgotten and it was only made a few days ago. LOL It’s so cute though. Bu does love his popcorn. He is sure to be a movie-goer but likely cannot go because he obstructs the view of the movie from others and he is probably very disruptive. :U But at least he can always buy a bag of popcorn and head home and pop in a DVD. I adore how he kinda mounts the kernel with both hands and feet. X3 Even his tail seems to be trying to get it in it’s grip. He is a little pocket Bu and he loves popped corn. <3 This is one image I keep staring at and just wondering… why is it so cute? Answer: It just… is. Not posted anywhere, it’s another exclusive! Thanks, Neek!

Okay maybe now we should pop in an image with color, shall we?

Image created by Sablechan

A quickie Bu made by my good buddy Sablechan. If my memory serves me, this was a little reward for helping him achieve his goal for a new laptop. I was more than happy to help donate, and he was more than happy to make it up to me. <3 It’s a very different Bu we have here. Whimsical and calm, oh and shiny! VERY different. XD But that doesn’t mean Bu doesn’t have a bright soft side to him, of course he does! It’s just he hides it verrry well. >:3 lol Sable always makes very good skin tones, lots of blushing skin! It’s simply sleepytime Bu. He is resting, don’t wake him up! Hey, two blog exclusive images in a row! What a special entry this is. <3

That’s another round of Bu for ya! I hope it brought you as much pleasure as it brought me! Next week is a bit of a rocky one. My birthday is a scant week away and I will also be on a long distance vacation! I’ll probably talk more about it next week. ;) Because even if I won’t be in my home this time next week, I’ll still be bringing Bu to you as I always do! Ooh super rhymes! *bows*

Have a good weekend! <3