Hello everybody! It’s been a very interesting past few days, and sadly I have not been able to stick to my usual Thursday or Friday blog release. Though it pays off! Today (or actually yesterday for a lot of people, more on that later) is my BIRTHDAY, yaaaay! :3 I do love my birthdays. I always like to be selfless as much as possible, and I reserve all the attention seeking for my big day of September 18th. Today I become 23. Ooh the big two-three.

It’s only 9PM where I am, because I am in Hawaii this week. All good things. Lots of photos taken, and I need to be sure to show them off. Not necessarily here, but if you follow me elsewhere, you’ll likely see them soon. A very pretty and exciting place. I don’t regret renting a car. It helps to get around this large overpopulated island. Enough about that, on to Bu stuff! I will feature pics I got today. ;3

Gosh, so unplanned… where to start? D: How about with my good buddy, Demona!

Image created by Demona

This was one of the first of many surprises today! This was given with the thanks of my good buddy Dinosaurprince! Demona drew this up and chibi Bu is certainly one of her specialties. I am not sure how Bu feels about Halloween, but he probably adores the candy. XD That’s why he has TWO bags for transport. He has such a happy and excited look on his face. X3 and he is a buff chibi! That’s always fun. very adorable indeed. Thank you so much both Dem and Prince. You guys rock! This was a real good start to a fun birthday. I wish I had more to say about it, it’s so lovely and awesome. X3 You both rock for doing this.

Up next we had a real treat from my long-time buddies, PearlPhoenix.

Image created by Pearlphoenix

I have had a good few images by Pearly in the past, but have yet to show them off on the blog, so this is her first time here! You should check out her amazing paint work. this is but a sample of such. And it’s a quicky too! She does very realistic renditions when she really tries, as well as cute and funny stuff. This is a really freaky Bu. XD HUGE grin and wide eyes. He’s crazy, making his birthday wishes. Oh it’s such a traditional looking paint job, very lovely. I will be sure to show you the magic of her older work soon! For now, enjoy this babeh!

Up next… we got a very NSFW addition from the awesome Baralust.

Image created by Baralust

Oh wow. XD This is the freakiest one here. Super… big Bu. A huge surprise, thank you!!! lol And I really just love Bara‘s extreme physique images. Everything is in crazy proportions. And it’s a very lovely quick image for me. I told him that I really worry how it would feel to have hot candle wax drip on THAT fleshy section of the body. owowowowow. lol But Bu doesn’t seem to give a rat’s patoot. He has his usual smug look. This is a classy image to say the least. Haha. Oh and I have the distinct feeling that Bu is trying to use a double entendre with what he is saying there. Could be me being crazy. XD Yeah well you make your own thoughts there, with his large anatomy. Ohhoh, my second image with Bara, and it’s porny too! Whee! You can also view it HERE! ALSO on FA

My birthday is not even over, but I am counting my chips here. If I get any more surprises (and you’re awesome if you do give XD) then I’ll feature those pics after I get home and settled after my vacation. ^^ That’s one reason I am keeping this entry kinda short and sweet. So busy!

Thank you to ALL of you awesome people who wished me a happy birthday, and drew Bu for me, and even those who check out my blog. I love you all and I wish you the best. Have a good day, folks! <3 Time to continue aging towards the next Sept 18th. lol