G’day, mates! That’s me being fake Australian. And I am probably even offending real Australians. Please don’t hurt me!! :O

Anywhoooo… New week, new Bu Blog entry, right? Right here now we have some brand spanking new stuff, all aquired fairly recently, so feast your eyes upon them!

Lets start off with a new awesome lil goodie by my friend, and common resident to my guest gallery, Zombiesmile!

Sketch created by Zombiesmile; Narugi owned by Neekko

This is actually a frighteningly misleading title to the blog. XD Instead of a 50 foot Bu, we get 5 inch Bu AND Nar. This is a chibi sketch I asked of Zombie to do last week. I always just adore the results I get from her, and we have no exception here. I figured out little pocket friends are so adorable, I wish I could just bottle that adorableness. So I just cut out the middleman and bottled THEM. Haha. Really cute. Bu looks confused and scared, while Nar tries his hardest to break free. X3 I actually wonder how they even fit into the bottles themselves. Musta been tough! Poor guys. I’m sure they’ll find their way free and stealing your pennies soon enough. ^^ At the moment… wahey! Blog exclusive… enjoy! And thanks to Zombiesmile for another winner!

Up next, another quickie headshot from my best bud, Crimsonblood! (ooh hey, a rhyme. I’m cool)

Image created by Crimsonblood

Look here at this Bu! He’s trying his best to be a handsome lady killer, like he always does. I love the way Crimmy made Bu’s face here. He looks actually not goofy, like he actually put effort into posing for a photo. :3 He is very manga-ish too. An element that some people add is a single lil pointy tooth when Bu smiles, and I love that! Here it is, in all it’s toothy glory. I have to admit I like the ears too! I touch them. *touchtouch* Lasty, Crim has rocked out so much on coloring and here is a prime example of how good he is! Look at it. Beautiful! Both me and Crim have a birthday coming real soon, so I suppose this is kind of an early gift for me? Thanks Crim! <3 You can see it HERE!

Lastly, we have a HUGE surprise from only the past day, from NMBGN.

Image created by NMBGN; Narugi owned by Neekko

This baby was really quite the huge surprise! NMBGN has his monthly request random drawing event. I have been suggesting Bu, Nar, Shin (for Crim), and Diato (for Sablechan) for months! Diato had been done last month when Sable suggested him, and now this month, I got Bu and Nar!  I was very happy to see this, because I have always wanted Bu done by him. I don’t count this Bu cameo as a win, lol, too minor, which is why I haven’t even posted it yet. This image MIGHT need some explanation. lol NMBGN has Lighter Dong Awareness Month. Simply put… awareness of… dongs… that have dual use as a lighter. >3> So there we go! Bu is expressing his awareness. The personalities are down perfectly! I could see Bu just nomming on the marshmallows, no pants included. And I also can imagine Nar being annoyed simply at the idea, but submitting to it anyways, because it’s for S’MORES!. They really do both look adorable. lol Their faces… they rock! I hope he opens commissions, so you MAY see more pics of Bu from NMBGN someday! X3 See this posted HERE!

Thanks for everyone for these recent beauties, and as always, I hope all of you enjoyed seeing them too! My Bu pic count is running low but I’ll keep getting these entries out as long as Bu art exists! Stay classy, ya’ll. ;) and I hope to see you again soon! <3