showing 5 posts for "Sinkato"
October 31, 2017
Well, hello folks! Another month has come and gone. I needed to be sure to get in a new blog entry before the month was out! I hate cutting these blog entries so short and post them so haphazardly but let me just get down to business! I do have a plethora of new Bu art. So let's get started. :D First is a new pic by Kato! I am just a regular old sucker for muscle growth pics and/or sequences. It's just a ton of fun. Especially when the artist I commission is so good at it. <3 Kato…
April 16, 2017
Hey guys! It's April and I have some new art to show off!! I've been extremely busy with preparation for my vacation next month. (Perhaps more info about that when the time is right!) As such, I wanted to make sure to get in a new entry before I missed my chance! A result though is that I'm going to keep these entries brief. I always like to write a bunch to go with each pic, but I want to at least get this posted without delay. It should not reflect the quality of the pics below, because they're all…
August 26, 2013
Good August to you fine viewers! A new blog entry here for ya. :D Now it's nearly September and summer is nearly at an end. What a fast and eventful summer it has been for me. Lots of good things happening too, thankfully. Now with my new job, I've been able to afford getting more commissions. Hopefully that means more Bu art and more blog entries coming real soon. I also still need to make an effort to clean up and fix a lot of my older entries on this blog. I'm getting ahead of myself though, lets get back…
March 10, 2011
HelloHello, lovely blog followers! Welcome back to the Bu blog, once again! If you can see, I succeeded in one of the lamest Bu pun titles and also the shortest. But... I like it. :D I also think it's fitting because we will start off by revisiting a recent classic that has been worked on to completion. I am very excited about that. Warning! This entry may contain copious amounts of cute! So lets get started! We revisit one of my favorites ala Zombiesmile! Hey, revisit. DejaVu... It fits the title! Yay me. XD; Yes... DONUTS... again. XD I can't…
December 7, 2009
Somehow... someway... I manage to come up with some half-ass titles for these posts. XD I can't do much else because generally I am not following a theme, just featuring some of the heroes in Bu art! Today... It's Felsus and Sinkato! Actually one of my first big commissions was one almost two years ago, in December of 2007, by Felsus (know on Y! Gallery as Luxuris). It wasn't a complicated concept. He handled the pose and I just told him to make it Bu! He did, and the results were easilly the highest quality of the time. Really the…