Hey everybody! It’s time for more Bu art. Are you excited? I know Bu is, see?

GIF created by Neekko

GIF created by Neekko

See? He is alllll excited! lol But not just any Bu. Actually pocket Bu. The pocket friends are a spin-off invention come up by me and Neekko. They are just little pocket-sized versions of our characters Bu and Nar and they are just silly little buggers that Neekko has, on multiple occassions, inserted into photgraphs that we have both shot. We start with the first one we did:

Image created by Neekko

Image created by Neekko

Here is pocket Bu taking a short little sausage jacuzzi to relieve the stress of his daily pocket life! The image itself is one of Neekko‘s favorite asian meals. XD Don’t ask. I just thought it was both adorable and probably unsanitary. God only knows where the pocket friends have been. They like to get into little hiding spaces. This image (including the Pocket Nar picture that I helped on with the photo) can be seen HERE! The next picture shows when they decided to leave their lil hiding places and explore some entertainment!

Image created by Neekko

Image created by Neekko

This is maybe one of the cutest images of Bu, I think! He looks so happy exploring that DS. <3 Probably took a sip of Neekko‘s mago juice while he was at it. Oh once again, probably a filthy lil pocket friend… nasty! These pics are really fun like this. It’s almost like they are really real, right? XD Anyways, image (as well as another pic I took and Nar was drawn on it) is also seen HERE!

And here is a reason to beware of the pocket creatures…

Image created by Neekko, picture taken by ME!

Image created by Neekko, picture taken by ME!

Bu has a red ass here… I dunno why. XD I guess just to enhance the cuteness. Anyways yes… They like to steal your drinks so be careful! Just snag them and toss them outside like any other pest. This picture was taken by me! My hand is viewable as well. lol Well I thought of the idea when I was moving out and I only had a chair, lamp, TV, and my PS3 box. XD I was trying to be… resourceful. This image and Nar can be seen HERE too! Nar’s face is priceless, btw.

And now we have a WIP! Though if it’ll get finished or not… mystery! But even if it is, you can see it here!! :3

WIP created by Neekko

WIP created by Neekko

This could be my favorite, because Bu’s face is ADORABLE X333 I love the huge eyes. He clearly wants to just eat the crap out of that pizza. And the last image of the Pocket Friends we have is different, though due to proportions of objects they interact with in the image, it is still a pocket piece. No photography, thats the main difference.

Images created by Neekko

Images created by Neekko

Technically a series of images. Be sure to click the image to see them ALL! Neekko made this for me just for my birthday this year. <3 And they were actually coupons. See if you can figure out what the coupons were? Fun stuff. As usual, they are super adorable. lol This one can also be seen right HERE.

You never know when the pocket friends will pop up again. Be on the lookout because they might invade this space, and your home, again soon! ^^