The total random titles I generate for these blog entries surprises even myself sometimes… Hey folks! Thanks for checking in! We have ourselves a late new blog entry today! It also just so happens to be Easter! It’s late in the day where I am for it, but it’s STILL Easter. This is the first time I could truly sit down and blog for the past week! We’ve pretty much fully moved in to our new home, and it’s very nice. X3 I am happy with this situation. I also gotta reply to new submissions and journals and stuff on various sites tonight. SO busybusybusybusybusybusybusy. Lets start off with Bu pics though, shall we?

I wanna throw a Sablechan sketch onto the entry first!

Sketch created by Sablechan

Sable originally made this as basically my bonus sketch for a commission benefit special. It’s a very interesting twist! I think this was spawned from the recent Kingdom Hearts games coming out. Bu certainly has a twinge of Squeenix to him. From what clothes Bu wears, they are stylized and have a bunch of accessories. That’s pretty much as Squeenix as you get. XD His hair was always spiky so Bu was always prepared for this style. I like the addition of the gloves and his tail looks great. Thanks a bunch for a very different and fun approach to Bu, Sablechan! <3 Ooh I believe this is the only place you can see the pic. Unposted elsewhere. Enjoy, folks! ^^

Up next we have an image made by Neekko… oooh! But colored by yours, truly. <3

Image created by Neekko; colored by me!

Okay where to start? I have NO idea what inspired this image. It was random, mostly. Bu stuff. Neekko made this when I bought a few things for us and this was payment. I made the picture probably less in quality because my coloring and shading sometimes blooooows. Especially with more complex poses and colors like this. But it was fun and weird and I enjoyed working on it. I hope you like checking it out. XD I think Bu is… probably naked? It’s one of those things where if you had to guess if he is or is not naked, he probably is. That’s just how he is. Underwear is not an option. But this isn’t adult-themed since there is no naughty parts. Forgive my coloring and have enjoy a pic that I ACTUALLY took some work into. lol You can see it HERE and HERE!

Lastly we have a brand-spanking new Neekko pic! <3

Image created by Neekko; Angry Birds (c) Rovio

I felt like this was bound to happen eventually, right? If you’re exposed to the hit game trend Angry Birds, then this makes perfect sense. Angry Bu and Nar and Anthro-Neekko vs. Bu-Pig. XD I feel like the Angry Nar is my favorite because he’s based off the big red bird from the game and that guy is awesome. Nar seems to be a perfect fit. Bu is based off the exploding bird and Anthro-Neek is based off the original red bird. I wanna see this be a true-blue spin-off of Angry Birds. XD Who knows, maybe someday it’ll happen. It’s very cute as long as you understand the characters and who they represent, I’d say. Really nice job, Neeks! <3 This was cute, for sure. Poor Bu-Pig is certain to be killed in many angry ways. lol This is a blog exclusive for now, dunno if Neek is posting it or not. I’ll change this if that does happen. ^^

Okay folks, not a huge entry, but hopefully a fun one anyways! Hope you like the new stuff. I gotta make sure to get my new home all fixed up so I have time to make my newest entry next week! I hope you all have/had a super awesome Easter holiday! See you later, folks. ^3^