I shall start simple, with a very beautiful piece of work I got back in early 2009 now. It was made by a quality artist, DracheaRannak on deviantART he left the internet? My main idea was the urge to have something playful featuring Neekko’s OC Narugi, and my buddy Bu. And since they are both BUFF… It turned into arm wrestling. Not a new concept for the duo, but the colors and style made it something special.

Image created by DracheaRannak

Image created by DracheaRannak

Actually what convinced me that commissioning him was a great idea was because of Neekko. Neekko tested Drachea’s posing ability, and Bu was chosen as the subject. We then get the really off-the-wall pose right below…


Image created by DracheaRannak

As you can tell, very interesting. lol And Bu does love his toes it seems. I personally loved it. A real surprise when I came home that day. And yes, he is wearing pants! I almost was not sure. I suppose he rode them up or maybe wearing some short-shorts. Eww >_>; Ah but it’s fine! Very great work. Bu seems to be blushing in both images!

Anyways, sadly, I’d love to show the links to these images, but the artist has unfortunately removed them from his gallery. THUS this is the only place to go to see them. Enjoy!