Good day folks! Another week, another Bu Blog entry, JUST for you. C’mon down, the water is fine, we got a few really nice, new images to pimp out here today. It’s nearly the end of the summer season and as the first summer of the Bu Blog, I gotta get to the end of August with a bang! So lets go!

Today we start with a brand new image from a wonderful artist I have had work with before and you can see in past entries. It’s Fydbac!

Image created by Fydbac

This is surely one of the most pornographic images I’ve gotten of Bu, and that’s saying a lot. XD I say that only because there is so much going on and the focus is literally far from his face or anything near that. This might be also one of the first times Bu has used a “toy” in these images. Usually he depended on his tail, right? Lol. So I had not commissioned Fyd since LAST August and now after a year, the time was due for a return. This past Saturday,  Fyd engaged in stream commissions (new in the past year since I last did business with her), and it was really fun, actually! Watching other people’s pics getting made lasted me all day, and then my image was last up! I spent most of the day thinking what I wanted. I needed something off-color and different. The result? This! Bu “spooging” in perfect accuracy onto that really pointy cool tongue. I’m almost embarrassed to ask for something so graphic. X3 lol But it’s actually really pretty! My first color image from Fyd. Bu got some really fluffy pubes and the wings look awesome and fill up the background too. Really nice! Fyd focuses work on Furaffinity lately. But you can see it posted on Y! too! HERE and HERE!

And now for a new friend to the Bu Blog! She doesn’t have a dA page anymore, but we can go off of Twitter. It’s cclemonbitch. Teehee. XD

Image created by Cclemonbitch

I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. Bu is a very green, very naked, very nimble angel? This was simply a random fun image made for ol’ me. :3 Nar makes a guest apparance right there being confused, I think. Hehe. Bu was given chest hair also. I can’t say that works for Bu, but CC made it work! LOL His white hair does his darker skin no justice at all. I wish I could say more, but really… Angelic Bu, doesn’t it speak for itself? This is a Bu Blog exclusive!!! Eat that stuff up!

And now we have a special… well lineart/WIP actually. From my good ol’ buddy Demona!

WIP created by Demona

This was an image I won in Demona‘s raffle contest! I was happy to win. I also wanted to curb my porny pics with something more wholesome and cute. SO here we have Bu giving Nar a REALLY big gift. It says “From: The Bu :3” which is totally what he would write. What’s in the box? WHO knows?? It’s only up to you to assume what. This was made at perfect timing. Tomorrow, August 20th, is Neekko‘s birthday! SOOOO This is a makeshift Neekko birthday gift from Demona and myself. <333 I hope you have a happy birthday, my friend! Enjoy the Bu gift givings. :3 The image here, I do love X3 The wings and feet are really well done. I like that their pants seem to drag too. It’s really swell! You can see this pic posted HERE and HERE!

That’s what I have to present to you here now! I hope you enjoyed the goodness we had here. Lots of variety. Oh and be sure, while I remember, to wish Neekko a VERY happy birthday. X3

Anyways, folks, thanks for stopping by again! I will be sure to showcase some more excellent Bu stuffs soon! Peace out, yo!