Salutations, fellow blog wanderers, welcome to the Bu-Blog again. We have another treat ahead, more beautiful art made my even beautiful…er… people! 8D

In this instance, I am featuring one single, solitary individual, due to me getting a few images from them, actually. It’s SpankTB! Haha, if you didn’t understand my title reference, you do now! So lets get started with the biggest slice of pie on the Bu-buffet. The Bu-ffet, maybe.

Image created by SpankTB; Narugi owned by Neekko

This has quickly become one of my favorite images of Bu and Nar, and Spank‘s totally unique style has much to do with that. Faces and facial expressions are top of the line with her work, I love the noses very much! Plus colors are vibrant and poses are natural. This image is a good example of all of those! The colors, especially. Bu has his normal greens but with some spots of flushed skin in various ends and joints on his body, as does Nar, though he is quite pale. XD You can even see some sweat.

As we see here, super simple concept! Bu and Nar at the sauna. It had to happen eventually. I don’t know how modest Nar is with nudity, but I assume he is! Bu, however, is far from modest. He says TO HELL with a towel. Of course being who he is, he pops a lil bit of a boner while he lounges, and again, being who he is, acts quite proud. For whatever reason, Narugi too, seems to be hiding a surprise under the towel. Literally pitching a tent, you could say. Not being Bu, he isn’t proud of his involuntary bodily actions. Nar further projects it as anger or even annoyance towards Bu. :3 You can see it posted HERE! This has quickly made it onto my desktop background. Haha.

Next up is some super-awesome Bu, he walks alone! He’s nobody’s Bu but his own. Oh wait…

Image created by SpankTB

Haha, you cannot see the true humor of this image by the thumbnail alone. Be sure you are always clicking on the thumbnail to see it larger sized! So this was, again, a very simple idea that I thought Spank could project well. Well projected it was! Spank managed to pull off a very cartoony look here, and the banana peel sealed the deal! Woah that was unintentional alliteration. XD That’s pretty much what I asked for though. Bu walking down the side of the street, trying to look like hot stuff, probably trying to impress the ladies with his slick stride, except he didn’t notice that a litterbug had been on his path recently before him. LOL If the image took place just one second after this… There you have it. As with all of her pics, I love his face, very much. X3 It’s cocky and kinda adorable. So you can see this image HERE and HERE!

And lastly, a lovely bonus! <333

Image created by SpankTB

I do believe I am one of the first to fully commission SpankTB and I am so happy I did, I love all the results I got. She gave me a lil surprise for our partnership in the above other two Bu pics. It’s Bu… UP UP UP and UP in the sky. Having a good time. :3 It’s a very cute and cartoony look. He has big hands, feet, and head to prove that! I love the pose, and the whispy lights around him is a nice touch. This one is pretty straightforward like that. Just Bu, cool pose, cool dude. :3 You can see it HERE and HERE!

So there we have it, three images I am so happy to have! Not to say I am not happy with all my other images, I am! I love everything people draw of Bu. X3 But wow, SpankTB‘s stuff just feels so fresh! I recommend 100%! She also has a WEBSITE! A pretty nice one though watch out, little to no English there, haha.

I hope you enjoyed what was brought around today! Stick around next time for some more Bu art, comin’ at ya strong! Thanks, as always, for being a friend and sticking around. ;3