Wahey, another really bad pun-riddled title! That’s so… me. X3

Hello everyone and Happy (early) Halloween! I was tempted to make this entry on Sunday, as that is the 31st, but I will be mighty busy this weekend, so I best just do it on my normal routine, don’t ya think?

So yeah I am going to continue to tell people that Halloween is far from my cup of tea. I am not even really doing anything at all to celebrate it. I actually kinda wished I carved a pumpkin like last year, but never got around to it. I started to not find it as a very friendly holiday as I got into my teen years and beyond, and in the past few years October has been prone to bad luck. Like for example I lost my phone to a lapse in thought last Saturday when I put my pants in the washer and dryer and didn’t… take my phone out. :U So I am out a ton of money getting the replacement. Yaaaay me. But enough of my dreary Halloween humbuggery, lets get to Bu arts!

I have a few Halloween themed images, including a couple already posted, being THIS one and THIS one. And now here are the two that I haven’t posted!

Image created, Narugi owned, by Neekko

This lil piece right here is from my old buddy Neekko, of course! This was our first Halloween image, from 2008! The Dark Knight was still goin’ nuts all over, and I know I enjoyed it. So it was so obvious that we should make Bu and Nar’s costumes be Batman related! Bu would be Batman, and Nar would be the uber buff Bane! Bu definitely spent a TON on his very detailed and fun 21st century Batman look. He modified it and added some black paint to his wings and the job is done! This is cute. They both hoarded a ton of candy and are taking a break to enjoy some of it before they go back on their merry way to get MORE. >:3 It’s a dark image for sure, but nothing is too hard to see. Good representation of the holiday. Check this pic out HERE and HERE!

And then 2009 rolled around, and Neekko produced another winner!

Image created, Narugi owned, by Neekko

A much different turn from the last one, we tried doing horror icons. Bu was Freddy Krueger, of course. A Nightmare on Elm Street will always remain my favorite horror movie series, despite a lackluster remake this year. I don’t think either myself or Neekko are huge on the Friday the 13th series, but due to an impressive turn in a poll made to decide who Nar should dress up as, Jason Voorhees won. I guess it seemed obvious because in recent parts of that series… Jason is HUGE. I do think it’s a good fit, and it’s better than the other possible poll winners, Samara from The Ring or… Edward from Twilight. D: So this image is actually kind of the opposite of the year before’s image! Now these two are bickering and Bu is trying to steal up some candy! It’s Freddy vs Jason once again! Lol Another reason these choices were meant to be. The colors on this image are bright and vivid, with Nar’s eyes being my favorite part! That and Bu’s tail. Very curvy, and it’s always great seeing it come out of nowhere. Haha! Very nice stuff. Hopefully these two will get along this year and not steal each other’s candy. XD This can be seen HERE and HERE!

That’s actually my current supply of  Halloween pics to date, which explains the shortpostness. Might have another one coming down the pipes soon enough, but that’s for another day!

I hope you all have a good Halloween, and if you don’t really do much on the holiday like me, you should ALWAYS take advantage of the SUPER saving deals at stores wanting to get rid of their candy supply. Such awesome discounts come November 1st! It’s a holiday onto itself. >:3

Thanks for sticking around everyone and Happy Halloween! Stay tuned in coming weeks for some more really special stuff. Big events are actually coming real soon. You’ll see. In due time!!