Hello! Thanks for stopping by. The weather is cooling down considerably and life is going on as it has been. I do at least have a handful of new Bu pics I can show off, though! Ironically enough, none of the images today are even remotely spooky-themed. As a matter of fact, one of them is a birthday gift, so it’s probably better suited to last month’s entry, lol. But regardless, I hope you check them out below!

Here’s the first, courtesy of my friend Beanyzilla!

Pic by Beanyzilla, Ultraman Zero (c) Tsuburaya Productions

Oh no! Looks like Bu-man found himself in a bit of trouble today. I think this might be my first legit fanart commission on this blog? And only because it’s a blend of OC art and fanart combined. In this case, we have this interaction between Bu-man and Ultraman Zero. The basic foundation of this concept is that Bu-man was attempting to team up with Zero in a fight against some unseen kaiju but instead is assaulted by Zero because he thought Bu-man was also a villain. Something simple, something silly, just to get to this moment where Bu-man is a victim of what will be a very traumatic wrestling move. I love how this one turned out and Zilla did an absolutely killer job, especially with this being her first attempt at an Ultraman character. Definitely a favorite of this year’s commissions! You can see this posted by Zilla on dA, HERE!

Next up is a second pic from Beanyzilla!

Sketch by Beanyzilla, Pigmon (c) Tsuburaya Productions

Hey! Another Ultraman-themed piece. In the span of about a month I go from no OC/fanart blends to TWO! This one features Bu with one of my favorite kaiju, Pigmon. He’s certainly one of my favorites and he’s generally seen as a friendly monster in the entirety of the series, so Bu believes they’ll get along very well! x3 Thanks to Zilla for another totally awesome birthday gift and for all the hard work here and on the above commission. I’m totally thrilled to have these new pieces (and I suppose I gave her a chance to draw some new weird characters, lol). You can see this one posted HERE!

Last up is a chibi sketch from my other fiend, Beetlegeuse!

Sketch by Beetlegeuse

Chibi-Bu! I really appreciate all the wonderful Bu art I’ve been able to commission from Beetle in this past year. This adorable little Bu showcases his back and wingspan, which is pretty rare to do but absolutely welcome. I probably need more of them! Bu’s face is really wonderful here as well. Many many thanks to Beetle for this and all the great Bu work recently! I am sure we’ll aim to do more again sooner rather than later. <3

Thanks, everyone! I always appreciate the viewers and the artists that make this whole thing possible. Bu would not be around if not for both those groups, no doubt. Stay tuned for more to come before the year wraps up! Have a good weekend. :3