Hi, friends! Merry Christmas to ya! :3 I hope you’re having a fantastic final week of 2012, whether you celebrate any holidays this month or not. ^^ As always lately, I gotta say I feel so crappy on how badly I am doing at maintaining activity on the Bu Blog! No new Bu art on here since October. >_< I can mostly cast the blame on life. So many bills and events that take up all my commission money! I’m not sure if that will change anytime soon, but I hope it does. That being said… I do have new art to post today, since it’s Christmas! Let’s get started.

As our yearly tradition, Neekko and I have a new Christmas card featuring Bu and Nar!

Image created, Narugi owned, by Neekko

This marks the fifth consecutive year that Neekko and I made a Christmas card, which we send to anyone who signed up to get it (as advertised on our Y! and dA journals and Neekko‘s tumblr). ^^ I usually help with colors, as well as making the physical card and sending them out. Lots of hard work, but we enjoy it. Just a nice holiday gesture, Neek and I figure. If you signed up… I hope it arrived in your mailbox by now! This year, Bu gets to be the butt of the joke. lol Bu and Nar wrapping presents to bring some holiday cheer! Nar is a pro. Bu… not so much. Neekko did an astounding job, definitely one of my favorite of the five cards we made so far. Nar’s sweater is adorable and I love both of their faces. Nice use of the usual red, green, and white of the holidays. I love the colors! Sure, I had much to do with it, but Neekko is the one to make sure it all works and shades it to perfection! So here we are, for this Christmas! If you didn’t get a card this year, I hope you’ll try to contact us for one next year! Heck, I hope you do that if you got one this year too. XD You can see it posted HERE and HERE!

Next is our bonus image (and a blog exclusive) from Neekko!

Image created, Narugi owned, by Neekko

Be sure to click the thumbnail to enjoy the full image! X3 This is a little bonus that Neekko schemed up this year for our envelopes. Ususally we just used some cute Christmasy Bu and Nar stickers, but our production value continues to grow as we get better ideas…. sooo here’s this year’s big one! I’ve never been one who indulged in the tradition of stringing popcorn around a tree… I don’t know anyone that does, I think. I know I’d just wanna eat it. XD But that leads us to Bu here, ruining Nar’s plan! Neekko is a freaking pro with cute Pocket-Bu and Pocket-Nar images. So adorbs! <3 So unless you signed up for, and received, this year’s card… this is the only place you can enjoy this image. I hope you do! I adore this. lol Great work, Neeks!

That’s all for today! I’m just glad I can finally post something. lol And I do know I have a few more Christmas things I may be able to post someday in the future. Maybe for my New Year’s entry. *crosses my fingers!*

OH and as always, thanks to you guys who continue to visit and bring me encouragement to continue bringing on new pics. X3 I always figure nobody cares and that can make a guy lazy, but when I know people enjoy seeing new posts and Bu pics, I am much more likely to actively post. Thanks, guys! <3 Have a good week, and a Merry Christmas! Or whatever you may celebrate. :3
