Guess what!? Another month, another edition of Bu’s Origin. Last month I did it on Valentine’s  Day, this time, St. Patrick’s Day! That’s perfect. Bu is green. Hehe. See?

Icons made by Neekko

Icons made by Neekko

This is Bu before the St. Patty’s party he went to, and THEN after the party. See the difference? Lol well I made that story up right there to apply to the holiday. XD I’ve had these icons for awhile now, from Neekko, of course! I wanted a new icon and ol’ Neek was up to the challenge. I said “Do what you want, go crazy!” and of course I got that first image, and then for reasons I yet to know, Neek made the pantsless version. lol It’s actually VERY like Bu.

And now……..

The Origin of Bu Part III

I’ve yet to really fine tune all of the details about Bu. Heck, I probably should re-read the other two before I make part IV, because then we will dive deeper into the little details. However, lets not get ahead of ourselves, on to Bu’s first transformation!

This really works exactly like any other werewolf story, really, but it’s always the best part of a werewolf movie, the transformation! It’s his human form’s first night after getting cursed. The sun finally sets, and the change begins. His vision becomes blurry, mind starts to numb over, and pain crawls all over him. He doesn’t know what’s going on! On the outside his skin starts becoming tough and also changing pigment to a shade of olive green slowly. He starts to harden up with muscle mass. The body starts to grow, tearing at his clothes all over. The shirt tears off completely when extra limbs pop up on his backside, they are dragon wings! His pants tear off when a large thick tail starts poking out, leaving him nudey.

The last details start to form, his hair becomes super-light and slicks back, eyes turn green, muscle mass settles, and then Dragon-Bu awakens! Yay! His attitude is that of what you always expect of Bu. Fresh from a long sleep away from a human body to reside in, he quickly takes his bare ass out to the nightlife to party or maybe even start a street brawl, as he loves both the freedom of the nightlife, and the testosterone and adrenaline rush that comes with a fight. In this era, he finds the safest way to go about the world would be to cover his goods, so he finds some dingy Gi pants in the trash out in the city. Though it should be noted that nudity is one thing, being a green monster with wings and a tail around humans? A whole other situation.

Chaos ensues! People run in fear! He destroys things in a drunken stupor. All that kinda stuff. Just Bu living off of the rush of sin and vice! And then after many hours with that, the sun starts to pop back up. Human Bu wakes up from a long sleep. Naked of course. He’ll probably grow used to that. Sometimes he’ll end up waking up in bed with totally random people of either gender. >3>!! That, for me, is the main humor I get out of this whole idea. Dragon-Bu will make life totally rough for his human form.

The rest is history! Bu continues living in the night, while his human form tries to maintain normalcy in the day! If I can nab down small details, maybe I can write up some fun scenarios with the Bu problem he has. XD Lets not forget the many friends Bu meets in his nighttime adventures. He has many, and all of them are the wonderful creations of awesome artists.


Next time… yes we fine tune some details and figure out where to go from here, I AM OPEN TO SUGGESTION!! I’ll fill in some holes with the story even. I wanna keep getting facts and details until December and then have everything brought together. Think of it as 2010’s goal, make the official Bu backstory. Haha, the past two origin entries were pretty vivid story-wise. I embraced my love of transformation today. lol Ah well. I hope I was able to somewhat calm your needs for new Bu backstory this month. be prepared for more in April!

That’s all for this entry! I leave you know with one more image. The theme this entry is certainly icons. Crimsonblood made one for me and another for Neekko. But them together and we get…

Icons created by Crimsonblood; Nar owned by Neekko

Icons created by Crimsonblood; Nar owned by Neekko

It’s not perfectly aligned when pasted together, just think of it like a manga shot? XD Insert your own text in the bottom part or something. This was weird for me, because I never thought much of leashes in this fashion, but I like it. LOL Maybe this picture started a new kink or something. Muscles and leashes. The world will never be the same. But yes, thank you, Crimmy. >:3

And next blog…. unplanned! I am thinking of an idea already. The big commission with my story is still a W.I.P. and might not be in the next entry, but I can promise you, it’s worth waiting! Thank ya, as always, for tuning in. I hope to see you back! <3 Until next time, Bu signing out!