A very good day to you! We’re only half-way through the week, but I feel like it couldn’t be a better time for a new Bu Blog entry! I felt a little better with the thought that I could get a new entry in before the end of the month, so here we are! Yesterday marked the big 6th BuNeekiversary, which is 6 years to the day I met my good buddy and frequent Bu-Blog contributor and site constructor, Neekko! Without that day, we might not even have a Dragon-Bu, because it all started by way of commissioning Neek to do the first pic of Bu. The rest is history! What better way to celebrate than with more Bu pics! So let us get started, shall we? :3

Today we have a new image from Astrozerk!

Image created by Astrozerk; Narugi owned by Neekko

A new one from Astro! One of my favorite artists to commission returns again with one of the best. Any time I can find a talented artist that can go beyond what I had in my head for the original idea and make a picture better than the ones before it… that’s one I like to stick with! :D The idea was pretty plain. I thought it would be funny to have Bu lifting some weights to build some muscle. Instead of weights, I had her put in Nar instead! He’s been seen on multiple occasions trying to read, only to meet failed attempt after failed attempt. This is just another installment in that epic saga. XD I get the most joy out of this is I imagine Nar had no idea he was being lifted up and down until this very moment. I assume he also isn’t a fan of Bu’s very indelicate HAND placement. Poor guy will just never be able to read (or watch TV, for that matter) without constant interuptions. What can I say? Nar is super popular! Astrozerk kicked butt here. I love the bright colors and their expressions. The good amount of muscle is also great! I feel like Nar’s position is hard to pull off, but it worked out (pun not intended)! You can see this posted on Astro‘s commission dA account HERE!

For good measure, I also include the original sketch, because it’s equally as lovely. <3 The sketch, alone, told me that I was going to be very happy here and the colors boosted it to a whole new level once it was all done.

Sketch created by Astrozerk; Narugi owned by Neekko

That’s all for today! I hope you enjoyed this new one as much as I have, it’d definitely one of my new favorites. I should hopefully be back around by the end of the month with some new Bu work and some classic sketches too, I bet!

Have a good rest of the week, everyone! :3