Hmm? Oh what’s this? AHA! It’s my blog. :D I’ve been looking for it for so long! Now that I have it back, I will love it, and hug it, and feed it, and snuggle with it all day long. <3 Lol Ooookay well anyways, I am back, viewers! I am glad you’re back to check out what I have to offer today. It’s been just over a month, and I am glad I took the break. Now I have a few new images and a renewed enthusiasm to make these entries. ^3^

Also: New things on the blog! First up, the Bu Gallery has been overhauled and should be much nicer looking and user-friendly! I now have a search bar to the right, as well as the email subscription has returned! New to the side bar is the RSS feed subscription. Anyone is free to use both! I’m not too familiar with RSS but somebody uses it, I am sure. I am also introducing banner ads of those blog entries I love to frequent! They will increase as I find ones I want to add. You are always free to use my banner too. Just head to the Link to the Bu page for all ya need. Oh and for email subscribers, you may have noticed we have a custom email layout! It’s exclusive to you awesome subscribers!!!

Of course… A big Bu hug and love goes to my BFF Neekko for taking care of all the overhauls and really just about everything on this site except some of the Bu art. Neek made most of this possible. So thank yoooooou ;3; <3 We will start off the blog entry to start the new set up with some further Neek appreciation!

Image created by Neekko

Unless you attend the world of Twitter, you probably haven’t seen this image yet! XD This was my Valentine’s Day Singles Day gift from Neekko. It’s still February, so I think it’s fair to celebrate it still. lol I surprised Neekko with a lovely Sushi dinner and got this in return. I do love those chocolate cover strawberries. X3 So good. This little pocket Bu seems to love it too. It’s soooo good that he’s crying. I wasn’t sure if it was a tear of pain or joy at first, but yes, he’s overjoyed. Haha. It’s an adorable little surprise and I think it made for a great lil Singles Day gift. Even just seeing how FAT and yummy looking that strawberry is makes me laugh and brings joy to my heart. XD SO in a way, I understand how Bu feels perfectly. Thanks again, Neeks!!!

I am going to FORCE myself to continue this food theme with a new exclusive from the ever-so enjoyable Croaky.

Image created by Croaky

This image is… for the lack of a better word, ridiculous. XD Not that I don’t like it, I love it! I came up with this absurd idea because I watch too much Youtube. I also wanted to post this now because the picture above is Bu with a strawberry and now Bu AS a banana. AND those two fruits go well together. lol This was just a simple digital sketch color commission I got from Croaky and I am happy to get it. Bu is a total tard (but a lovable one) and lately he’s been so food-crazy in pictures I got. It really shows the things I love in this world, doesn’t it? D: Yeah this picture is too cute. Bu’s having a ton of fun, and probably annoying the CRAP out of Narugi on top of all that. His wings… are definitely stuffed inside the banana, for those who ask. XD I love it! Hope you do toooo.

Lastly for the day… we have something I wanted to have made for a long time, and I found the perfect candidate for the image in SpankTB!

Image created by SpankTB

It’s…. BuBerry Pie! X33 I always wanted that, for some reason, and now it has become a reality. Makes me very pleased. I love Spank‘s imagery and character expressions so I felt like this was a totally perfect time for this image to become something! I was definitely overjoyed because, as usual, it turned out better than I had in my own mind. It’s the perspective. This was something really quite original, perspective-wise. A part of me wants to go all James Cameron on this punk and make it 3D. LOL I assume Bu wasn’t cooked in it, and he just jumped in. Because… he’d be dead. :| Oh and naked, how typical. Such color, outrageous body size variations, and excellent details and expression. Oh and I cannot forget finger/toenails. Rarely do I see people really focus on them like this! This is just awesome, I could talk about everything on here. That happens too often with some artists, and that’s a good way to determine that they’re someone I’ll work with again. I don’t think Spank or her arts get enough love so go check it out HERE or HERE! Now now now! :D

I’ll cut for now and save the other goodies I have built up for later! ^^ I hope you enjoyed what I have today and there is a ton more to show (I hope) and also unfinished Bu work is always on the way. Thanks so much for sticking by and I hope you continue to enjoy this blog of Bu and his friends. <3 No more breaks, I’ll see ya next week! Have a good weekend!