Good day to you fine folks out there in Bu-Blog Land! It’s time for another entry of new Bu art! This one is going to be a special one. I am a sucker for sequences that take up a series of images. As with the past few times, this entry is all Bu TF (transformation) related, which is exactly the way I like it. x3 I’ve managed to get a few Bu TF sequences this year now, and I am pretty happy about that. There’s still time left in the year, so who knows? There might even be more coming down the line. Lets focus on this one for now, behold!

Image one, a product of Unknownwolf!

Image created by Unknownwolf

We start off with some human-Bu enjoying a little pizza! It seems that he has not taken the time to notice where he got that pizza. The bio-hazard symbol there on the top of the box is a likely indicator that this pizza is not safe for someone such as him to consume. >:3 You can already start to see subtle changes taking place, specifically in the hair. Love his concerned expression. I also like how big and yummy the pizza slice looks. Too bad it’s not wise to take a bit. lol You can see it posted HERE!

Image created by Unknownwolf

Now we see the changes become much more significant! It’s in black and white, but it is obvious to see that his skin begin to turn to shades of green. You also see some extra things popping up through his clothes! I sense a tail and some wings coming soon! I like the muscles pushing the clothes to the limit and his toes poking out is a nice touch that I am happy could be added to this. :D I like the consistency of the changing of the character. Kudos to Unknownwolf for really knowing how to progress through a TF sequence. <3 The process is underway! What could happen next?? This one’s posted HERE!

Image created by Unknownwolf

Looks like the wings have popped out in full force! No more Bu shirt. The Bu pants slowly tear away as his legs get more and more buffed up! Unknownwolf gave Bu a bit of a booty here. XD I chalk it up to the ever-tightening pants! At this point, Bu is likely losing himself in all the magic. A lot of stuff is happening to him all at once! Lets see what happens next! This one’s posted HERE!

Image created by Unknownwolf

This could be one of the highlights of this sequence. I really like the way this one looks. Great pose, face, buffness. He’s almost at maximum puffiness! Unknownwolf is a go-to source for lots of muscle, and I think we’re beginning to see this is where he shines brightest. At this point he’s almost totally Bu, physically and mentally. The change has set it’s course. The added element I thought was a nice touch is the remainder of the pants. Too tight, gotta rip ’em off. Very suggestive and very well executed! All that remains is for Bu to just enjoy being Bu. x3 See it posted HERE!

Image created by Unknownwolf

The final piece! I chose to have this one in color just so we can show the details in Bu, colorwise. Bu went from a scrawny dude with normal skin to a big buff green half-dragon guy. I wanted a little tasteful censoring. One of my favorite elements I always wanna put in is him just grasping onto what’s left of his clothes to cover up his goods. XD I also really love his face here. So much joy! OH and his focus has returned. The pizza is all he has eyes for right now. OH but it’s the toxic pizza. What could happen to him if he happened to eat the whole pizza? Oh boy, I think I’ll leave that one to your imagination. >:3 You can see it HERE!

That one had tasteful censoring, but lets say “screw that!” with an exclusive alternate final image from Unknownwolf!

Image created by Unknownwolf

Simply put, Unknownwolf was kind enough to supply me with an… additional change to Bu with this transformation. What’s he gonna do with that thing??? Hmmm, better watch out now! That totally completes the whole sequence. I am happy to have been able to work with Unknownwolf on these pics. It was a lot of fun and I totally recommend him for affordable and high quality images. Give him a look-see! I hope you enjoyed this sequence of images as much as I have.

Next week is my birthday, so there is a really good chance that I’ll be doing my annual birthday Bu-Blog entry! Keep an eye out for that next week! Thanks for stopping by, folks. <3