Heyheyhey! It’s another chance for some Bu art! It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day. The one day that celebrates all things green!! Bu has it so easy. No need to even dress green because it all literally comes naturally for him. Today we’ll celebrate him at his greenest! I am going to focus on a series of commissions from Crimsonblood. Let’s get down to business!

Image created by Crimsonblood

I am so happy to commission Crim again! It’s been too long and his drawing skills only continue to get better and better over time. This is Crim’s most recent Bu creation. I wanted to being around more Bu-Man art and I also wanted to throw in more of my favorite standard, muscle growth! Bu-Man wanted to improve his skill by way of a muscle powder that he happened to find at a moderately affordable price. He surely underestimated it’s power. lol His poor costume! That thing was fancy and took a lot of work to create! Oh well, at least he’s stronger? NOW he is ready to take out some baddies, as long as he gets a change of clothes or a towel or something. Crim knocked this one out of the park. His level of skill for muscle anatomy is superb. I love the colors and cell shading as well. I could see his style be implemented in a Bu-Man comic. This is posted online HERE and HERE!

Up next we have an (ALMOST) non-Bu related image.

Image created by Crimsonblood; Narugi owned by Neekko

This image is so overtly sexual (see: phallic) that it’s impossible to not laugh. XD At the same time, with a more innocent mind, it’s silly cartoony fun. This one is all Neekko’s idea. We have established that Narugi is a boring guy when he makes conversation. When he just goes on and on and on and on… Bu makes a run for it and replaces himself with a pickle and Nar doesn’t notice the difference. Why is Nar in his underwear? Because fanservice. I love how much Crim cartoonified the pickle. Anytime you add Bu hair to a green thing, it’ll pretty much become Bu. lol. I think Crim again did some excellent muscle building for these pics. I think Nar’s buff levels and pose look really great. It’s high up in the Narugi hall-of-fame. This image gets included here because it’s still somewhat Bu-related. Like a Bu cameo of sorts. Plus we ordered these two pictures together so they’re almost like a set that stick together. Good enough for me! You can also see it as Crim posted it HERE and HERE!

And now for a little bonus from Crim:

Image created by Crimsonblood; Narpickle owned by Neekko

This was a cute and hilarious surprise from Crim. Bu and Nar pickles! I assume that Bu is a delicious dill pickle and Nar is one of those gross other flavors (subject to individual tastes, lol). They each had adorable and cartoony expressions. It’s so easy to identify who they are just based on hair alone. That shows how identifiable they are to me. The only thing that’s missing is gigantic pickle muscles. XD; I am leaving this as a Bu Blog exclusive, enjoy! Thanks to Crimsonblood from both myself and Neekko for some of the coolest pieces we’ve had in recent time! We hope to do more work together again really soon. <3

That’s all for today, folks! I’ll probably not be posting any new Bu art until April as I will be traveling in coming weeks, which I am excited for. More of that next time though. I hope you continue to stick around and enjoy all the Bu stuff. Take care for now!