Hey gang! Today we have a special occasion – today happens to be the 10th anniversary of the Bu blog! I have a wide range of emotions surrounding this moment. It’s an amazing achievement and I cannot believe it’s been that long. But also, I am disappointed that I am not able to do something really special to mark the moment. The least I can do is maybe do a bit of a hasty retrospective, featuring W.I.P.s and doodles from yeeeaaars ago.

First up is an image by Neekko!

W.I.P. by Neekko

This one is a super old Bu. This is probably one of the first few images we have of Bu, wherein you see we were really trying to figure out his skin color. It took awhile, but I do think we finally settled on something around that middle image.

Next up, I have an assortment of cute simple pieces Neekko made back around that time, pre-dating the Bu blog!

Image created by Neekko

This one is of an overjoyed Bu that I also think may be one of the earliest pics I have. This eventually became the image on the mousepad that I still use to this day and I know I got that in 2008. So we’ve gotten at least 11 years out of this pic. XD All these years and I still think it looks cute. <3

And another by Neek!

Image created by Neekko

I’m going with a lot of the simpler pictures we’ve had together since all the more advanced and serious work has long since been posted in this blog. I believe that the previous two have not yet been posted, so here they are! This is a classic Bu face that I think summarizes his personality fairly well, especially impressive because of how old it is.

Thanks to Neek for every pic featured in this entry! And of course, a ton of thanks to Neek for being the host and architect of the Bu blog! <3333 If not for Neek, this blog would likely not exist as it does currently.

So, like I say pretty on pretty much every blog entry – Thank you for stopping by to check out all the Bu stuff! Saying it this time means a little something extra just because I’ve now been doing it for an entire decade, which is still very mind-blowing. Will I be able to do this for another decade? Maybe, we’ll see! Depends on how often I can keep up the momentum of Bu art. When regarding this blog, 10 years doesn’t feel that long. So maybe the 20 year mark will come at me just as quickly. Though I am certainly not in any hurry for that. ^^; Next time, we’ll probably be doing the Christmas/holiday edition! So stay tuned for that and have a good month! <3