Good day to you! Happy… summer? Well it’s definitely summer here and I’d be lying if I said I liked it. I’ll be more happy once we get to fall. However, since it’s July, we have yet another rundown of commissions and general Bu art related to my time at Anthrocon! I haven’t had too many commissions there in recent years. But my sketch book is slowly filling up anyways. This year I have two sketches and a new badge. Without further delay… AC art!

First is the badge for this year courtesy of Neekko!

Image created by Neekko

It’s a floating head of Bu! o3o!! It looks like Bu and Neek are having a REALLY magical and fun conversation. The creepy smiles give that away, yeah? The sparkles really add to it. The badge, if you see it in real life, you’ll see that it’s got that shiny holofoil gloss. SO, it’s extra sparklely. <3 Thanks to Neekko for keeping up with a new badge every year! They’re always fun and usually pretty funny too. x3

Next up is the newest sketch from Shenanigan!

Sketch created by Shenanigan

The theme for my Shen commission this time was Hawaiian hula guy Bu. x3 I did a bunch of standard flexing Bu pictures with Shen so we wanted to be sure to go with something more specific. So, we went the tropical route! And this route let us continue the trend of showing off as much beef as possible. x3 Plus Bu is cute, in typical Shen fashion. He’s having fun! <3 Thanks for another awesome sketch, Shen!!!

Last we have my first commission with Sprech4!

Sketch created by Sprech4

I make an honest effort every year to commission a new person at AC. Most years I’m too nervous to try a new person out. I tried and succeeded this year with Sprech4. I liked what I saw at her table and I think we were able to make something really fun. Well, she did all the work. XD Surely will not be the last I commission Sprech4. I had a blast getting this one. The way Bu looks is really super. The deep dark, thick lines make the image really dynamic and fun. Thanks to Sprech4 for such a cool sketch!! :0

And that’s a wrap for my eight year doing this convention entry. This was actually my 10th Anthrocon but only the 8th posting of art I commissioned at the convention. Stay tuned next time (probably around mid-late August as my routine seems to be lately) as I will be continuing to show off all the great new art I’ve commissioned these past few months. Same Bu time, same Bu channel.